Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Works in progress

Rules of Redemption has been out for less than a week, and the reception has been amazing. Thank you everyone! It's always a little nerve wracking introducing a new world and set of characters. There's all this fear floating around that the book won't resonate or the story will fall flat. I am happy to report that those fears were unfounded and Kira and company are doing well. :-)

As exciting as that is, it has led to a lot of people asking me when the next book in their favorite series is coming out. Below is my current writing schedule. Note: this can change at any time based on my whim, but I do tend to stick to projects once they're started.

Dragon 4 - Currently in edits. I hope to publish around May

Broken Lands 4 - I have half of a first chapter and most of the plot decided. This book will feature Eva and her adventures. (She was the horse mistress in Mist and Wayfarer's). Caden or Darius will be her leading man. Shea and Fallon will show up but not be leads. Publishing target of Aug/September

This is where it gets a little tricky. Right now this is the plan.

Aileen 5 - I have some thoughts, but they're nebulous. Target of December.

Firebird/Rules 2 - Already have most of the plot thought out. Target of January/February.

There you have it. The publishing schedule for the next year. Things might shift around but all of these books will be written this yearish.

I realize some of you will be either very happy or very upset about this schedule. It was never my intention to have four series going at once. It just kind of happened, and now I'm tasked with keeping their stories in the air because I must know how it ends. If I could figure out a way to download the books from my brain or write faster, I would. Alas, I am only human.

Time to get back to work. Dragon 4's ending won't rewrite itself.


  1. You are an amazing writer and I will be fan for life. I love the new series!!

  2. I need more from Liam and Eileen. Such a great couple. Thanks for writing this post.

  3. Rules of Redemption was excellent! I'm on my second read through and look forward to seeing where this series goes.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I don't usually begin a series unless it's complete. I started the Aileen Travers series anticipating that it was a 4 novel set. The storyline and characters are fantastic! I was fully immersed and LOVED IT! I am so disappointed to be left hanging though. And the next book comes out maybe in December? I am so bummed out...

  6. I LOOOOOOVED Aileen and Liam! I am on my second read. Started with Redemption which I read in one sitting (like I mean, minimum snacks and lady breaks). I am looking forward to more more more! You are on my follow list in Amazon. Thank you!

  7. Loved the books. I also like that I can share them with my teenager without censoring content. Thank you for the quality of the writing

  8. Thus far Rules is my favorite. Please keep the characters true to one another and the kids a chance to pick between the houses. To read without censoring content means I can keep you on my author's to read list. Thank you.

  9. I haven't read all of the series' yet and will get to Aileen next. Each is is special but I have to say that I adore the Firebird Chronicles! CONGRATS

  10. This is so exciting!! I don't think I have a favorite out of all of them but I will say that I've prob reread pathfinder at least 10 times. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  11. I loved the book. It was a great read. My only disappointment was that we need to wait so long for the next one. In the meantime I will read your other series. I am grateful to find another author that can write not just a good plot, but be able to flesh out lovable characters whom I can root for.

  12. I've read Rules of Redemption twice now and itching to read it again. You know, that niggling thought in your brain which wont go away. Really really good. She reminded me of Kate Daniels! Can't wait for the next one. Love all your other series too but this one is def a fav.

  13. I love Rules of Redemption. I have read it over and over again. I guess I probably should have waited for a couple more books in the series since it looks like it's going to be a awhile for the next book.
