Saturday, December 22, 2018

Happy Holidays

It's hard to believe Christmas is in a few days and New Years right behind it. Somehow, I thought I had so much time at the beginning of December, and now I'm staring down the year and asking myself where did all my time go.

I've never been particularly Christmassy--my sister often refers to me as the Grinch)--but for some reason I thought for sure I would summon the Christmas spirit and finally manage to put up a tree and maybe hang a few lights outside. I didn't set the bar high and aim to put out Christmas cards like half the people I know. I just thought maybe we'd get a Charlie Brown tree, something nice and small that the cats could have fun eating, and put up a decoration or two.

Fail. So far, it's Saturday night and NOTHING has happened. I have a sneaking suspicion we will continue to be Grinch-like for the remainder of this holiday season as well.

I'd like to blame that on us just getting back from our honeymoon, but in all likelihood this would have happened anyway. Sigh, there's always next year. I'm more of a fan of New Years anyway.

Because I totally failed at the holiday cheer on the home front, I figured I'd use some of it here.
So. From my family to yours, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Years. Enjoy the people around you and cherish this time spent with family. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your year.

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