The betas have given me their feedback and the editor has weighed in. So far, I've distilled my notes into identifying three or four relatively big issues with a few minor ones scattered around. They're nothing truly ground shattering but I am going to need some brainstorming and creative solutions to address them.
Editing is an interesting process. No one really wants people to find issues with their work. At least not this writer. I want to have written a perfect book with which no fault can be found. Sadly, I've yet to do that nor do I think it's a possibility for the future. Feedback, whether from betas or even friends, makes a book stronger. It requires you to put a little thought into those things you might have overlooked otherwise.
Because I put so much effort into the first couple of drafts and don't release the book until I feel I've made it the best I can, it can be daunting when people point out the flaws. Sometimes that means delving a little further into my characters' motivations or rethinking why something happened the way it did. The answer is usually there as long as I look hard enough. The upside is that sometimes it can lead you to something truly wondrous.
Now to decide if that fancy cup of cold brew coffee from my favorite coffee shop will help me with this or if it would be better to buckle down and get editing. Choices.
Treat yourself to the may help to let your mind relax and the big things may actually be small adjustments.