Friday, July 23, 2021

The Weirdness of a Writer's Life

Beginning weeks of Covid 19 after my husband first started working from home

Husband freezing in place: W-why are you crying? Did something happen? Who's dead? Is someone hurt?

Me, pointing at screen: This scene is so sad. 

A year later

Husband walks into office and stops: Did your imaginary friends make you cry again?

Me nodding: Yes...

Husband: Sigh. You should stop being friends with them.

Needless to say, my husband no longer has any illusions about me, my writing process or the level of my weirdness. :-)


  1. He should bite his tongue! How are we supposed to meet them if you being friends with them? Buy more tissues. Or, you know, we send you dome.

  2. 😂😂 at least he is starting to get it! I have to watch what I read/watch in public for the same reason though. Certain scenes just set off the water works.

  3. My husband knew he was getting weird/crazy. We've been married 20 years and his normal,logical self helps keep my weird in check. But I can relate to expectations of my hubby's job verses reality after him working from home for over a year.

  4. It's understandable, some screens get to you.
