Thursday, October 11, 2018

Not a Lot Happening

There's not a whole lot to report at the moment. Aileen 4 is with the editor. Until she comes back, I'm working on one of my passion projects.

It has been great playing in a totally brand new world. I'd forgotten how difficult it can be to build the world and characters I see in my head. There are hidden undercurrents to explore, the rules of their world to determine. To say nothing of the names I put to people, places and things. (Always the hardest part. Right now there are a lot of xxxx placeholders.) It's exhausting and difficult but in the best of ways.

It's like opening a puzzle box and not knowing how all the pieces will fit together. Sometimes the picture is fuzzy and you just have to trust that in the end you'll eventually create something you'll be proud of. In the meantime you just have to keep moving forward.

That said, I'm looking forward to visiting with Tate and the gang this weekend as I start taking the crazy, disjointed ideas I've been jotting down and working them into some type of cohesive plot. I'm super excited for this next adventure because I'm going to get to do a lot of things I've just been thinking about until now.

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