Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Short Snippet

Because Mist's Edge releases one week from today and because some of you asked for it, here is a short snippet.


“You are diabolical,” Trenton remarked after Shea left a false trail pointing into a nest of stinging thistles. The flower’s petals would leave welts and rashes on any unsuspecting victim that chose to brush against them.

Shea shared a smile with him as she backed away from the nest, careful not to brush up against any of the yellowish, green petals.

“I learned from the best.”

“This may end up backfiring on you,” Trenton said with a skeptical glance at the stinging flowers. 
“He will not be happy when he catches up to you if he has welts and a rash all over. He might even find a nest to throw you into.”

She shot Trenton a grin. “If he’s arrogant enough to get caught in this, he deserves what he gets.”

She’d decided she liked this game. Liked outwitting Fallon and making him chase false trails. The only way it would be better is if she could ditch Trenton and do this alone. He made their trail a little too easy to spot.

She stared at him in thought.

“Oh no, don’t even think it. You’re not ditching me.”

She sighed. Such a stickler for the rules.


  1. Squeeeeeeeeal!!!! I found a skarrygh mention in Mists book!!! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😉 enjoying the fun!! THANK YOU!

  2. Just finished Mist's Edge and couldn't put it down! Thank you for a great book! When can we hope for book 3???
